APCIDM54.ZIP 496,697 01-26-95 -> MultiPlayer Network Modem DOOM! <-APCiDOOM v5.4 is a freeware utility for DOOMor DOOM II. It is the client software thatallows high-speed modem users to play FOURPLAYER true network modem DOOM via the APCi
ASD2_PT1.ZIP 110,687 10-10-94 Welcome to ASDOOM][ (Part One). From theauthor of ASDOOM comes the first of a seriesof all new levels for id software's DOOM ][.These linked levels include: * full supportfor multiplayers * use of different skill
ASD2_PT2.ZIP 131,721 10-20-94 Welcome to ASDOOM][ (Part Two). From theauthor of ASDOOM comes the second collectionof all new levels for id software's DOOM ][.These linked levels include: * full supportfor multiplayers * use of different skill
BASWAD.ZIP 36,691 05-13-94 Program allows easy command line edit for mod
BNUDM126.ZIP 31,330 03-28-94 Program to help DOOM players connect betterwith other modems. Replaces SERSETUP file!
CLIENT20.ZIP 37,624 10-26-94 Frag Server User's Guide v0.20
COMSW.ZIP 7,245 12-30-92 ComSw 1.0, another modem setup for Doom
COMW220.ZIP 31,854 07-23-94 COMW v2.20 a DOOM serial comm drivercommunications routines written in "headsdown" assembler. Built in file transfer.Extensive testing with DOOM v1.2. Fast andsmooth. By John Ericson.
DDL100B.ZIP 66,703 01-19-95 Domain DataLink v1.00b - DOOM & More on yourMORE SPEED IMPROVEMENTS! FASTER, FASTER!Domain DataLink allows for your users to playDOOM, Falcon 3, DOOM ][, and many other modemgames through your BBS. It also allows for
DMF132.ZIP 42,091 09-17-94 Modem front end for DOOM. Now with TURBO and
DMINIT12.ZIP 20,788 03-14-94 Doom Modem Init V1.2 - 3/14/94 Contains Initstrings for over 30 modems. (This has theMODEM.CFG, that was forgotten in V1.1) SORRY!Also contains a HIGH SPEED, bettersersetup.exe that supports any IRQ & port
DMODPLAY.ZIP 68,306 07-12-94 How to get Doom to play over a null modem cab
DMRMSS.ZIP 24,607 06-23-94 Util. To allow 2-4 players to play doom overserial ports.
DMSER101.ZIP 13,730 11-08-94 A doom modem driver that works with SERSETUP.
DMSER4.ZIP 46,634 03-27-94 Doom Serial Util Latest optns now allowreconfig without dropping the line . Works upto 115200 nice and smooth at 14.4 With 19200Term Speed . This is getting better . Nextneeded is network cheats . Enjoy !
DMSERDRV.ZIP 57,604 03-27-94 SIMPLY SILLY SOFTWARE PRESENTS D M S E R D RV replacement serial driver for DOOM version1.00
DMSI10SW.ZIP 70,257 12-28-94 DOOM SIGN UP VERSION 1.00 Doom lovers can nowuse their local BBSs to find interestedplayers for modem Doom. This door file req'sa BBS that supports the DORINFOX.DEF dropfile. Shareware! $10!
DMSRCC.ZIP 11,165 02-21-94 Alternate SERSETUP for running DOOM at ahigher baud rate.
DM_MODEM.ZIP 186,280 04-20-94 The only way to run DOOM over the modem!
DM_SHOCK.ZIP 187,132 04-20-94 This is the Ultimate Doom Modem Package!Compiled By One of the Best Communications(And Doom) Experts in the Usa! Includes aBullet Proof Front End, Quick Modem Config,Fossil Driver, Play at Almost Any Speed,
DOOM14K.ZIP 26,711 02-20-94 Lets you play Modem Doom at 14400 baud
DOOMBOCA.ZIP 1,445 04-18-94 Setup String for Boca Modems in Doom
DOOMLD3C.ZIP 201,212 08-02-94 DOOMLoad v3.0 for DOOM v1.5+, launches modem
DOOMMOD.ZIP 57,681 12-23-93 Patch to get DOOM to run over a modem. NOTEThis is NOT an official id Software release.This is a third party program that may notwork in all cases. Do not contact id Softwarefor support with this program.
DOOMODEM.ZIP 13,144 02-18-94 DOOMODEM: Changes the default port addressesand IRQ's for SERSETUP.EXE, allowing you toget DOOM 1.2 to work better with yourconfiguration! v1.0
DOOMOTE.ZIP 90,727 02-11-95 Play DOOM with up to four players via modem.SIRDOOM has a built in terminal that will allyou to call your favorite Major BBS systemrunning the multi-player version of GameConnection (V1.40 or higher) and play DOOM
DOOMPP.ZIP 124,218 02-15-94 Doom parallel port via LAPLINK parallel cabletwo-player instructions, support programs.
DOOMPUL.ZIP 20,260 02-21-94 A modified sersetup.exe to allow all us poorsaps who still have a pulse line to run doomover the modem. Just unzip and overwrite theone in the doom directory.
DOOMSS.ZIP 19,196 02-26-94 Hack of ID's Serial Device Driver
DOOMTEXT.ZIP 210,653 06-15-94 This file, DoomText.Zip, contains many textfiles that will tell you everything you needto know about Doom! Still don't need theknowledge of the game or the cheats becausethe game is getting boring? Well, now you can
DOOMTXT.ZIP 136,577 03-13-94 Two text files of DOOM related messages fromthe INTERNET. Alot of questions & answersabout modem play, initilization strings,serial play, etc. Use DOS edit to view orLIST.
DOOM_MOD.ZIP 65,115 12-22-93 Play Doom Via Modem
DSCM106B.ZIP 14,079 04-14-94 DOOM Serial Connection Manager v1.06b, replac
DSERF27.ZIP 29,074 03-08-94 Hack of DOOMSER for 19.2 baud rate, v42bisusage, and slowdown fixes.
DWANGO1.ZIP 38,485 10-27-94 This file contains the client software forthe dialup DOOM game server WANGO. It alsohas the help files and some support files.There is a fee for dialing into the WANGOserver.
DWANGO15.ZIP 42,329 12-01-94 WELCOME TO DWANGO Now you canfight your battles on Phobos from Earth viadialup communications. No longer do you haveto fight alone!! Get help ! Tell your friendsto meet you in the WANGO mission lobby and
D_MODEM.ZIP 7,337 03-21-94 Having problems with DOOM 1.2 and modems?This is a TXT with init. Strings for alot ofmodems. Also help and ideas. Doom HELP.
FORTOM.ZIP 18,360 03-23-94 SERSETUP for DOOM, sets your modem to 57600.
GAMECONN.ZIP 10,495 10-27-94 Required Docs if you play DOOM and otherModem to Modem Games on MajorBBS's with the"GAME CONNECTION" Module. Also contains alist of the currently supported games.
GAMEINET.ZIP 6,132 01-26-95 Helpful text on running games like DOOMacross the Internet.
JEESU138.ZIP 24,025 02-05-95 JEESETUP v1.38 is a SERSETUP replacement forDOOM, DOOM II, and HERETIC. Supports HayesESP2 enhanced mode using no interrupts forthe smoothest modem play possible. Baud ratesfrom 9600 to 921600. Give yourself the
LAPLINK.ZIP 2,670 03-04-95 Setup for LapLink Cable
MODEM.ZIP 4,212 09-20-94 Known Modem Init Strings for DOOM
MODEMDM.ZIP 13,144 02-18-94 DOOMODEM: Changes the default port addressesand IRQ's for SERSETUP.EXE, allowing you toget DOOM 1.2 to work better with yourconfiguration! v1.0
MODOOM.ZIP 124,418 12-27-94 A Modem/Serial front-end for DOOM II This isa Program that saves time when setting upDOOM II games over a modem or serial link up.You run it, click on the options you wantselected and then click on "Run DOOM II" (It
MODOOM10.ZIP 18,748 02-28-94 MODOOM V1.00 AlphaEasily run Doom 1.2 over the modem. Savesconfiguration information in a config fileand stores multiple phone numbers of otherDoom players. Unzip into your DOOM directory
PSETUP10.ZIP 18,339 09-24-94 PARSETUP is a Parallel Printer Port devicedriver for id Software's DOOM (tm) which willallow two computers to connect as an networkover the parallel port.
RMS249B.ZIP 22,845 05-16-94 This little utility will allow you to playDOOM with up to four players using SERIALCABLES!
RMSETUP.ZIP 26,585 05-13-95 This is a Beta release of a driver that willallow anywhere from2 to 4 players playingDooM over serial lines. update to rmssetup
RUNDOOM2.ZIP 37,277 02-24-94 RUNDOOM v1.0 > If you play DOOM 1.2 over themodem with a buddy, run this instead ofSETUP. Choose to fight Monsters orNoMonsters. Saves the setup configuration soyou don't have to keep typing it in
S4DOOM12.ZIP 40,919 02-19-94 A program to help Doom 1.2 run better overserial links. Speeds up direct links, andhelps on modem links, especially on a 8250UART. Also helps in case of DTR or RSproblems.
SD218.ZIP 90,670 01-11-95 Play DOOM with up to four players via modem.SIRDOOM has a built in terminal that will allyou to call your favorite Major BBS systemrunning the multi-player version of GameConnection (V1.40 or higher) and play DOOM
SER2.ZIP 19,503 03-04-94 Bug fix for DOOM serset, modem play.
SER3.ZIP 29,156 03-06-94 DOOM SERIAL DEVICE DRIVER, much better flexib
SER4.ZIP 42,313 04-21-94 DOOM SERIAL DEVICE DRIVER, supports many more
SER4A.ZIP 49,966 10-22-94 Updated serial device driver for DOOM
SER5.ZIP 150,684 09-09-94 Doom serial device driver.
SER5_SRC.ZIP 33,150 09-09-94 Source Code to Doom Serial Device Driver
SER6.ZIP 151,218 11-21-94 Replacement for sersetup program includedwith Doom 1 or ][. Nice interface, easy to
SER6_SRC.ZIP 42,761 11-21-94 DOOM SERIAL DEVICE DRIVER, source code
SERAD210.ZIP 62,722 10-16-94 DOOM: HELL ON EARTH Utility - SeradTWO 1.0 -Through SerSetup, SeradTWO allows you to playDOOM TWO through the modem with many moreoptions than id Software would DARE put intheir SETUP.EXE file! Menu driven! Mouse
SERCHEAT.ZIP 45,436 05-12-94 Allows certain cheat modes during modem games
SERHACK.ZIP 40,091 01-04-95 These two files are hacks of the HereticIPXSETUP and SERSETUP that work GREAT! withDoom II, Best of all they have graphicallooks to them :)
SERSRC.ZIP 11,165 02-21-94 Source Code for the original SER.EXE replacem
SERSRC14.ZIP 12,671 09-21-94 Source Code for the original SER.EXE replacem
SIRDOOM.ZIP 51,028 10-13-94 Play DOOM with up to four players via modem.SIRDOOM has a built in terminal that will allyou to call your favorite Major BBS systemrunning the multi-player version of GameConnection (V1.40 or higher) and play DOOM
SIRDOOM2.ZIP 90,727 02-11-95 Play DOOM with up to four players via modem.SIRDOOM has a built in terminal that will allyou to call your favorite Major BBS systemrunning the multi-player version of GameConnection (V1.40 or higher) and play DOOM
TCPCLI12.ZIP 31,632 10-05-94 corrected version of the TCPSRV12 client.exe
TCPSET9B.ZIP 26,274 04-07-94 DOOM TCP/IP Network Driver, version 0.9Beta
TCPSETUP.ZIP 32,448 05-08-94 A program to run DOOM over internet usingTCP/IP.
TCPSRV12.ZIP 51,250 10-01-94 The Internet DOOM Client/Server System v0.12The DOOM* Client/Server System is a front-endto DOOM TCP/IP network drivers. You use theclient software to connect to a Frag Server.